Status: Completed
Progress: 24 / 24
Type: BDRip
Display size: 1920×1080
Video codec: HEVC (Ma10P)
Audio format: FLAC Level 8
Subtitles: styled english softsubs by GSK_kun
Chapters: yes
BDMV Provider: U2
Encoder: Urotsuki
AniDB: link
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Off topic question, is it possible to make a good quality encoding with a low end PC (gt630 videocard with 8GB of ram for example)?
I know that I can’t make HEVC, since it requires a lot of power, but for H264/x264 it will be fine.
For example what kind of method and programs you’ve been using for encoding back when you still were on a low-end PC?
Why am I asking this? So I had checked some of your early releases, and the quality was really good, I was so impressed that the question was born in my mind.
We used the same tools as today (excluding version updates). Just before, one series required 6 hours, but now only 2.
I see, thanks’s for your answer (:
I already found your github page, probably the majority of tools will come in handy.
The choice of codec has very little effect on the encoding speed.
First of all, you should know that the standard set of filters (aa, de-banding and noise reduction) use 14-16 gb of RAM. Another 8 – 10 gb add 264 \ 265.
I see, thank you for the reply (: