Status: Completed
Progress: 24 / 24
Type: BDRip
Display size: 1920×1080
Video codec: x264 (Hi10P)
Audio format: FLAC Level 8
Chapters: yes
BDMV Provider: from U2
Encoders: DJATOM & ANtreides
AniDB: link
Upd.: fixed Ep 14.
↓ Torrents ↓
Status: Completed
Progress: 24 / 24
Type: BDRip
Display size: 1920×1080
Video codec: x264 (Hi10P)
Audio format: FLAC Level 8
Chapters: yes
BDMV Provider: from U2
Encoders: DJATOM & ANtreides
AniDB: link
Upd.: fixed Ep 14.
[Beatrice-Raws] Kanon (2006) [BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC]
[Seeders: 1 | Leechers: 0 | Completed: 546][Size: 36.00 GB]Encoder from Beatrice-Raws group, current leader, site and hosting administrator.
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Is this release better than Salender-raws ?
I not see Salender’s rip. He really did it?
Yep, but it was long time ago (8bit).
Anyway, will dl 1 episode and will compare by myself. But I think I will pick yours. ^^
Oups, no, it was Yousei-raws. I mistaken with Clannad BD.
My apologies.
Yeah, Yousei did it. But it 8-bit and have source artifacts (banding and aliasing) which isn’t fixed at all. Me fixed it as well.
Mawen’s rip encoded with low bitrate and wrong key-interval so it useless.
I wonder what’s your definition of low bitrate and how your can tell a setting of keyint is *wrong*.
It very simple: I got out of sync while I try to play your encodes. And It so sad…
It’s a main reason for overripping Kanon.
Btw I set crf 15 for episodes (16 for dinamic-less titles like sankarea or tsuritama) and crf 14 for NC’s and get better quality in rips (as always better Avg QP for B-frames: 24.6-25.5 and prevent some annoying artifacts).
Even if your rip looks good It has sync problem (maybe only for me but has anyway) so it useless for me.
Don’t blaming you in anything; just stating a fact.
keyint has nothing to do with sync, and I haven’t heard from anyone else saying that my encode of Kanon has such problem.
crf/QP/bitrate doesn’t mean everything, but I admit my encode of Kanon has something to improve in x264 settings.
Just look at Kokoro Connect. My encode is half the bitrate of Yousei-raws’:
Okay, but I have sync problem anyway. My encode plays smoothly and I don’t see desynchronization while I play It.
As for comparison, both of encodes has benefits and losses.
tonic’s rip: better deband, sometime it affect to details loss, anti-aliasing.
mawen’s rip: smaller size, less savings of deband-effect, sometime better details, no anti-aliasing.
I will choose tonic’s rip – I don’t care about size, hate aliasing and love nice deband-effect. Even that I hate CLI-effect (clean like ice) where details will lost and picture looks like shitiful Japanese upscale (as Q-Tec upscales) or so. But anyway It’s my choice.
Am dl it right now. Thanks for your encode DJATOM.
Delete Yousei ver. ^^
What about the Rein-Force’s rip? They have made a good quality 8bit rip, imho. Have you ever seen it?
Nope, I don’t interested in 8-bit BDRips encodes. 10-bit always give better results so…
Any news for Hunter x Hunter BD ?
Only Beatrice knows (:
Thanks! I have Yousei-raws, but I always welcome a better encode for this great Anime!
I have PL’s 1080p release, it’s pretty light (18GB for 24 eps), does anyone know how about the quality?
PS: I mean the quality of PL’s
What U mean about “PL”? Don’t get it as well.
It seams to be a group, and released a few animes at rutracker by sasha990, tp7 of ANE said he is a great encoder, but i don’t see people mention he’s. I haven’t watched it, and i have no other version to compare to.
8 bit Rip => Recycle bin.
I know little about encoding, but i think you are right. Thank you!
From Rutracker:
Некоторое количество аа на линии (по маске). – Okay, Kanon’s source need this anyway. Me used it too.
Капля шарпа не на грани (по маске). Капля варпа на грани (по маске). – WarpSharp encodes must die!
GradFun + переработка шума + плюшки во многих местах. – Masked f3k_deband doing it as well.
Even 2 of 3 methods used in my rip (minimal loss of original quality due to aliasing/banding on it) my rip doesn’t WarpSharped at all => closed to source.
Do your choice at own.
It’s very kind of you to give the detailed explanation, even me can understand some. Thank you very much!
Всем привет! Вы всегда уверены что правы?
Any 2 channel audio mix here?
Yup, It contains 2.0 and 5.1 FLAC audio.
Thanks, DJATOM.
please seed :( I can re-seed when i complete downloading.
It’s a promise?
Yes, it’s a promise. I don’t know how to prove my intention. is my site. Anyways, thanks for really nice releases with amazing quality :)
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